With locations in Japan, Europe, U.S., China and Southeast Asia, we shape content to support our clients in engaging with their audiences all over the world. We add value through our extensive experience in localization, creative design and multi-channel publishing and bring our clients to the cutting edge of global, corporate communication.

Your brand is safe in our hands,
whatever market you want to target
Good visual communication makes you stand out. We craft your product identities so you get better brand recognition across different cultures and multiple markets. It will uplift your visibility and, ultimately, your customer engagement.

Your communication is on target to reach global audiences
Migrating complex content to a localized solution is a demanding task which involves much more than just translation. With our expert services like authoring, translation and language data engineering, delivering effective solutions becomes easy.
ITP Europe Brussels
Belgicastraat 1/8
1930 Zaventem
+32 (0) 2 721 51 00
ITP Europe Košice
Werferova 1/2582
040 11 Košice
Slovak Republic
+421 (0) 55 321 1530
ITP Japan
The corporate headquarters of Ishida Taiseisha Inc. are located in Kyoto and Tokyo.